2 Cardassian Phaser Pistol 2 "Observer" from the Obsidian Order 3 The Pillage of Bajor 2 Comfort Women 1 Cardassia Prime Hardscrabble World 1 Deliver Supplies 1 Evacuate Colony 1 Hromi Cluster Amnesty Talks 1 Kressari Rendezvous 2 Ari 1 Damar Loyal Glinn 1 Danar Irascible Gul 1 Dukat Military Advisor 2 Durg 2 Elim Garak Agent of the Obsidian Order 1 Evek Attaché to the Demilitarized Zone 3 Jerax 1 Joret Dal Patriotic Visionary 3 Kolos 1 Lemec Posturing Negotiator 1 Madred Calculating Captor 3 Parn 3 Galor 1 Prakesh