This Side of Paradise
Expansion précédente: Raise the Stakes
Its Thinking is Chaotic
Lending a Hand
Parallel Romance
Polywater Intoxication
The Captain's Guest
The Charismatic Mister Kor
The Charming Mister Riker
The Gentleman Doctor McCoy
Warm Welcome
Watch Your Step
Deal With the Count Man
Mudd's Women
Raise the Stakes
A Q Scorned
A Royal Welcome
Old Feelings
Track Survivors
Chalan Aroya, Accessible Restaurateur
Neela, Misguided Activist
Seven of Nine, Prodigal Daughter
Korinas, Observer from the Obsidian Order
Luaran, Critical Coordinator
Alynna Nechayev, Adamant Admiral
Jenna D'Sora, Veteran Security Officer
Melora Pazlar, Independent Personality
Naomi Wildman, Astrometrics Officer
Nella Daren, Head of Stellar Cartography
Number One, Reputable Officer
Valeris, Co-Conspirator
Watley, Recent Transfer
Leeta, Devoted Wife
Quark, Lumba
Ch'Regha, Open-Minded
Anastasia Komananov, Russian Seductress
Arandis, Risan Facilitator
M'Pella, Seductive Employee
Marta, Delusional Seductress
Rayna Kapec, Developing Android
Sakonna, Puzzled Interrogator
Ba'el, Naive Prisoner
Kalenna, Sentry
Fiona McKenzie, Experienced Corporal
Gannet Brooks, Undercover Operative
U.S.S. São Paulo, NCC-75633