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Keyword Cloaking Device.

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·Naprem 0 P 17 5 K'Vort [Stf][Stf][Stf] 7 8 7 Cloaking Device. While this ship is at an opponent's planet mission, if your personnel is on that planet, he or she is an Infiltrator.
·U.S.S. Defiant Commandeered Warship 0 P 18 7 Defiant [Cmd][Cmd][Stf] 8 10 10 Cloaking Device. To staff this ship, you must have an Engineer personnel aboard.
Order - If this ship is staffed and at your mission, stop this ship to take two overcome dilemmas from beneath that mission and place them face up beneath your A mission.
·I.K.S. Bortas 0 P 21 6 Vor'cha [Cmd][Stf][Stf][Stf] 8 9 8 Cloaking Device. When you win an engagement involving this ship, you may discard a card from hand to download a Maneuver event.
·Rovaran 0 P 23 6 D'deridex [Cmd][Stf][Stf][Stf] 7 9 9 Cloaking Device. When you win an engagement involving this ship, you may examine the loser's hand and choose a card to be removed from the game.
Order -Discard a Maneuver card from hand to begin an engagement involving this ship.
Keldon Advanced 1 U 386 6 Keldon [Cmd][Stf][Stf] 6 8 7 Cloaking Device. While your [Car] Intelligence personnel is aboard this ship, this ship is attributes +2.
·U.S.S. Defiant Prototype Warship 1 R 391 7 Defiant [Cmd][Cmd][Cmd][Stf] 8 10 10 [DS9] Cloaking Device. While this ship is in an engagement, it is Weapons +1 and Shields +2.
·I.K.S. Hegh'ta 1 R 397 5 K'Vort [Stf][Stf][Stf] 7 8 7 Cloaking Device. While this ship is at a space mission, it is Weapons +2.
I.K.S. K't'inga 1 C 398 4 K't'inga [Cmd][Stf] 7 7 7 Cloaking Device.
I.K.S. K'Vort 1 U 399 4 K'Vort [Stf][Stf][Stf] 7 8 7 Cloaking Device.
·I.K.S. Lukara 1 U 400 5 K'Vort [Stf][Stf][Stf] 7 8 7 Cloaking Device. While your [Kli] personnel at this mission is in combat, you may add this ship's Weapons to your total Strength.
·I.K.S. Maht-H'a 1 R 401 6 Vor'cha [Cmd][Stf][Stf][Stf] 8 9 8 Cloaking Device. While an opponent's Archaeology personnel is at this mission, that opponent must discard a card from hand to use that personnel's skills.
·I.K.S. Rotarran Ship of Tears 1 R 402 5 K'Vort [Stf][Stf][Stf] 7 8 7 Cloaking Device. For each Honor Klingon aboard this ship, it is Weapons +1 (limit +3)
I.K.S. Vor'cha 1 S 403 5 Vor'cha [Cmd][Stf][Stf][Stf] 8 9 8 Cloaking Device.
D'deridex 1 S 408 5 D'deridex [Cmd][Stf][Stf][Stf] 7 9 9 Cloaking Device.
D'deridex Advanced 1 U 409 5 D'deridex [Cmd][Stf][Stf] 6 7 7 Cloaking Device. While your [Rom] Intelligence personnel is aboard this ship, this ship is attributes +2.
·Deranas 1 U 410 6 D'deridex [Cmd][Stf][Stf][Stf] 7 9 9 Cloaking Device. While this ship is at Region: Neutral Zone mission, it is Weapons+2 and Shields +2.
·Haakona 1 R 411 6 D'deridex [Cmd][Stf][Stf][Stf] 7 9 9 Cloaking Device. When you play this ship, you may download Engage Cloak or a Pursuit card.
·Scimitar Predator 1 R 413 7 Scimitar [Cmd][Cmd][Cmd][Stf][Stf] 9 11 10 Cloaking Device. When you win an engagement involving this ship, the loser discards the top card of his or her deck.
·Serrola 1 R 414 6 D'deridex [Cmd][Stf][Stf] 6 7 7 Cloaking Device. While your [Rom] Intelligence personnel is aboard this ship, this ship is attributes +2. While this ship is at a [GQ] mission, it is Weapons +2 and Shields +1.
·Valdore 1 R 415 7 Norexam [Cmd][Cmd][Stf][Stf] 9 9 9 Cloaking Device. When an opponent begins an engagement involving your other ship, if this ship is on your Engage Cloak, you may place this ship at that mission to join that engagement.
·I.K.S. Qam-Chee 2 R 174 7 Vor'cha [Cmd][Stf][Stf][Stf] 8 9 9 Cloaking Device. While this ship is at an opponent's mission, if this ship is staffed, each of your opponent's personnel and ships at this mission is attributes -1.
·Khazara 2 R 178 6 D'deridex [Cmd][Stf][Stf][Stf] 7 9 9 Cloaking Device.
Order - If this ship is on your Engage Cloak, examine an opponent's hand and choose one of those cards. That opponent exchanges that card with the top card of his or her deck. You may do this only once each turn.
·Terix 2 R 179 6 D'deridex [Cmd][Stf][Stf][Stf] 7 9 9 Cloaking Device. While this ship is at an opponent's space mission, if this ship is staffed, that opponent must discard two cards from hand to attempt this mission.
·Trolarak 2 R 180 6 D'deridex [Cmd][Stf][Stf][Stf] 7 9 9 Cloaking Device. While this ship is at an opponent's planet mission, if this ship is staffed, that opponent must discard two cards from hand to attempt this mission.
·U.S.S. Defiant Stolen Warship 3 R 205 7 Defiant [Cmd][Cmd][Cmd][Stf] 8 10 10 [Maq] Cloaking Device.
Order - If this ship is staffed and at a non-headquarters mission, this mission's owner places two cards from hand on top of his or her deck. You may do this only once each turn.
·I.K.S. Pagh 3 R 206 5 K'Vort [Stf][Stf][Stf] 7 8 7 Cloaking Device. While this ship is on an Engage Cloak, each opponent's ship is Range -1.
·Soterus 3 R 208 7 Norexam [Cmd][Cmd][Stf][Stf] 9 9 9 Cloaking Device. While this ship is in an engagement, you may discard a Maneuver card from hand to make it attributes +2 until the end of that engagement.
·I.K.S. Ning'tao 4 R 180 6 K'Vort [Stf][Stf][Stf] 7 8 7 Cloaking Device. When you win an engagement involving this ship, you may lose 5 points to download a Damage card and place it on an opponent's ship at this mission.
·U.S.S. Enterprise-D Personal Flagship 5 P 40 7 Galaxy [Cmd][Cmd][Stf][Stf][Stf] 10 11 10 [TNG][Fut] Cloaking Device. When you complete a mission requiring Honor or Leadership, if this ship is at that mission, score 5 points (or score 10 points if that mission requires both).
·U.S.S. Defiant Repurposed Warship 6 P 61 7 Defiant [Cmd][Cmd][Cmd][Stf] 8 10 10 [DS9] Cloaking Device. When you plays this ship, if each of your non-headquarters missions is a [GQ] mission, you may spend 5 additional counters this turn.
·Devoras 7 R 120 6 D'deridex [Cmd][Stf][Stf][Stf] 7 9 9 Cloaking Device. When an opponent's personnel is killed, if this ship is at the same mission, you may place a [Rom] personnel from hand who has the same cost aboard this ship.
·U.S.S. Defiant Patroling Warship 10 R 109 7 Defiant [Cmd][Cmd][Cmd][Stf] 8 10 10 [DS9] Cloaking Device. When an opponent's ship moves to this mission, if this ship's Commander is aboard it, that opponent's ship is stopped.
·I.K.S. T'Ong Sleeper Ship 10 U 116 5 K't'inga [Cmd][Stf] 7 7 7 Cloaking Device. When you win an engagement with this ship and its
Commander is aboard it, you may place a [Kli] personnel from hand aboard this ship.
D-7 Battlecruiser 12 U 120 4 D-7 [Cmd][Cmd] 8 7 6 [Pa] Cloaking Device. To play this ship, you must command two [Pa][Kli] personnel.
·Gal Gath'thong Pride of the Praetor 12 R 122 4 Bird-of-Prey [Cmd][Cmd] 7 6 6 [Pa] Cloaking Device. To play this ship, you must command two [Pa][Rom] personnel. When you move this ship from an opponent's mission, if this ship's Commander is aboard, that opponent must discard two cards from hand. You may do this only once each turn.
·I.S.S. Enterprise Terran Flagship 13 R 122 4 NX [Cmd] 6 5 5 [Pa][AU] Cloaking Device. To play this ship, you must command three [AU] personnel. You do not need to spend all your counters on your turns. While you have no cards in your hand, this ship is Range +2.
·I.K.S. Qel'Poh H.M.S. Bounty 14 R 112 3 B'rel [Stf][Stf][Stf] 6 7 6 [TOS][Pa][E] Cloaking Device. While you command two missions that are worth 40 points or more, this ship is Range +2. While a personnel you command aboard this ship is facing a dilemma, you may discard a [Pa] personnel from hand to make that personnel attributes +1 until the end of that dilemma.
·I.K.S. Kla'Diyus Prototype 14 R 116 3 B'rel [Stf][Stf][Stf] 6 7 6 [Pa] Cloaking Device. When you take this ship off of Engage Cloak, it is Weapons +3 until the end of turn and you may begin an engagement involving your personnel aboard. If you win, name a personnel. Each opponent's copy of that personnel involved in that engagement is killed.
·I.K.S. Qel'Poh Clandestine Vessel 14 R 117 3 B'rel [Stf][Stf][Stf] 6 7 6 [Pa] Cloaking Device. While you command two missions that are worth 40 points or more, this ship is Range +2. While you have a captive, this ship is attributes +2.
·Kronos One 14 R 118 4 K't'inga [Cmd][Stf] 7 7 7 [Pa] Cloaking Device.
Order - If your corresponding Commander is aboard this ship, search your dilemma pile and remove a Persistent dilemma from the game to make this ship attributes +2 until the end of turn. Then shuffle and replace your dilemma pile. You may do this only once each turn.
·Scimitar Built for Only One Purpose 14 R 121 7 Scimitar [Cmd][Cmd][Cmd][Stf][Stf] 9 10 10 Cloaking Device. When you take this ship off of Engage Cloak, it is Weapons +3 until the end of turn and you may begin an engagement involving your personnel aboard. If you win, name a personnel. Each opponent's copy of that personnel involved in that engagement is killed. Then unstop this ship and all personnel aboard this ship. You cannot begin any other engagements this turn.
·I.K.S. Voq'leng Ship of Prophecy 17 V 86 5 D-7 [Cmd][Cmd] 8 7 6 Cloaking Device. While you command Qo'noS and no other [AQ] missions, you may play this ship at your [DQ] mission. While this ship is at a [DQ] mission, you may play [Kli] personnel and equipment aboard this ship.
Bird-of-Prey 17 V 89 4 Bird-of-Prey [Cmd][Cmd] 7 6 6 [Pa] Cloaking Device. This ship is Range +1 for each [Rom] personnel aboard who has a cost of 4 or more. This ship is Weapons +1 and Shields +1 for each [Pa][Rom] personnel aboard.
·Kilhra Hidden Threat 22 V 53 6 D'deridex [Cmd][Stf][Stf] 7 9 9 Cloaking Device. When you lose command of one of your events, you may take a non-dilemma card that you own that was on that event into hand.
·I.K.S. Vorn Ship of Traitors 24 V 51 6 K'Vort [Stf][Stf][Stf] 7 8 7 Cloaking Device. While your three [Kli] Treachery personnel are aboard, this ship is attributes +2. Also, each of your Treachery personnel at this mission is attributes +1.
·Goraxus Lying in Wait 24 V 53 6 D'deridex [Cmd][Stf][Stf][Stf] 7 9 9 Cloaking Device. When you win an engagement involving this ship, randomly select an opponent's personnel involved to place in your brig.
Order - Discard a Capture card from hand to begin an engagement involving this ship.
·U.S.S. Defiant Enduring Defender 35 V 43 7 Defiant [Cmd][Cmd][Cmd][Stf] 8 10 10 [TNG] Cloaking Device. This ship requires an additional damage card to destroy it. While this ship is damaged, it is attributes +2.
·I.K.S. Negh'Var Imperial Flagship 35 V 44 7 Negh'Var [Cmd][Cmd][Stf][Stf][Stf] 9 11 10 Cloaking Device. To staff this ship, you must have a Chancellor or a General aboard. You may use your card which begins combat at this mission even if it is at a headquarters mission.
·T'Met Timely Reinforcement 35 V 45 6 D'deridex [Cmd][Stf][Stf][Stf] 7 9 9 Cloaking Device. When the opponent on your right begins a mission attempt at this mission, if this ship is staffed, you may discard two cards (or an event) from hand to draw three extra dilemmas and spend three extra in total cost on dilemmas.
·Scimitar Reman Warbird 40 V 45 7 Scimitar [Cmd][Cmd][Cmd][Stf][Stf] 9 10 10 Cloaking Device. When you play this ship, it is cost -1 for each Reman at this mission. Each of your [Stf] Reman personnel aboard this ship loses [Stf] and gains [Cmd].