
Deck: Cup of Coffee in the Big Time


Klingon Warrior's Birthright

Card E R ID Type Num
Order of the Bat'leth 1 U 101 eve 3
Warrior's Birthright 1 C 119 eve 3
The Promise 1 S 143 inr 2
·Cardassia IV Rescue Prisoners 1 U 194 mis 1
·Hromi Cluster Amnesty Talks 1 U 151 mis 1
·Khitomer Khitomer Investigation 1 S 183 mis 1
·Mining Survey 1 S 187 mis 1
·Qo'noS Heart of the Empire 1 S 191 mis 1
·B'Etor Sister of Duras 1 R 293 per 1
B'amara 1 C 292 per 3
·Duras Son of a Traitor 1 R 296 per 1
J'Dan 1 C 298 per 3
·K'nera Klingon Defense Force Commander 1 S 299 per 1
Kahmis 1 C 301 per 3
·Lursa Sister of Duras 1 R 310 per 1
Meraht 1 C 312 per 3
·Nu'Daq Tenacious Rival 1 R 314 per 1
T'vis 1 C 315 per 3
Vorax 1 C 316 per 3
I.K.S. K'Vort 1 U 399 shi 3
·I.K.S. Rotarran Ship of Tears 1 R 402 shi 1