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Keyword Paranoia.

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·Hollow Hospitality 31 V 15 1 Paranoia. Plays in your core. Your non-Treachery personnel cannot gain skills (except Treachery). Each of your [DS9] personnel and [E] personnel are Strength +1.
·Martial Law 31 V 17 1 Paranoia. Plays in your core. Your ships may not move to or from Earth.
Order - Stop your [Fed][DS9] personnel at your Earth to draw a card (limit three per turn).
Peaceful Coexistence 31 V 18 1 Paranoia. Plays in your core. Each unique non-Bluegill [TNG] personnel you own (except Androids and Holograms) gains Bluegill. Each of your Bluegill personnel are Integrity -1 and Strength +1.
·Power Loss 31 V 19 2 Paranoia. Plays in your core. You may only begin one mission attempt each turn.
Order - Stop your [E] Treachery personnel to unstop each of your stopped [DS9] personnel. You may do this only once each turn.
Desperate Counter 40 V 11 2 Paranoia. Plays in your core. Your [E] ships are attributes +1. While an opponent's personnel is at your mission, your personnel at that mission are attributes -1.
Humanity's Worst Enemy 48 V 4 0 Decay 2. (When there are two cards on this event, destroy it.)
Paranoia. Plays in your core. While no opponent commands a ship at a Region: Sector 001 mission, each of your [Sta] Dissident personnel is Cunning +1 and Strength +1. At the start of your turn, place the top card of your deck on this event.
·Terra Prime Forever 48 V 5 2 Paranoia. Plays on your Mars. While your [Sta] Dissident personnel is facing a dilemma, if there are no non-Human personnel at a Region: Sector 001 mission, he or she is excluded from random selections.
Dark Dissension 49 V 15 1 Paranoia. Plays in your core. Your [TN] ships are each Weapons +1 and Shields -1. Your [TN] personnel are each Integrity -1 and Cunning +1.
·In Your Face 55 V 7 0 Paranoia. Plays in your core. When an opponent's personnel complete a mission, you may destroy this event and kill one of your Treachery personnel to download an Assault or Maneuver event.
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The Big Picture 40 V 20 Paranoia. When your Admiral is facing a dilemma that requires a skill, destroy your Paranoia event to replace all levels of that skill in that dilemma's requirements with 2 Treachery.
Paradise Lost 45 V 5 Paranoia. To play this interrupt, you must command two Paranoia events. When an event or interrupt is played, randomly destroy one of your Paranoia events to prevent that event or interrupt and place it in its owner's discard pile. Then, if you command three or more Admiral personnel, shuffle this card into your deck.
Homicidal Expedient 48 V 6 Paranoia. When an opponent plays an event or interrupt, kill your Dissident personnel at Luna to prevent that event or interrupt and place it in its owner's discard pile.
I Won't Miss Him 52 V 5 Paranoia. When the opponent on your right begins a mission attempt, you may discard two cards from hand (or destroy your Paranoia event) to draw one extra dilemma and spend one extra in total cost on dilemmas for each of your missions with a dilemma beneath it. Remove this interrupt from the game.
Immoral Choice 55 V 13 Paranoia. When one of your [E] Treachery personnel or Son'a is about to be killed by a dilemma, kill one of your [NA] Honor personnel on a planet to stop them instead.