Apocalypse Rising
Previous expansion: All Our Yesterdays
These Things Happen
Military Recon Program
Playing by the Rules
Valuable Real Estate
I Won't Miss Him
Cardassia Prime, Subjugated Planet
Empok Nor, Negotiate Prisoner Exchange
Klingon Borderland, Maintain Operational Secrecy
Kira Nerys, Fifth Columnist
Odo, "Kodrak the Unenthused"
Broca, Useful Idiot
Damar, Aggrieved Subject
Founder Leader, Desperate Dictator
Lemec, Prefect of Betazed
Benjamin Sisko, "Jodmos, Son of Kobor"
Kellin, Losing Faith
Miles O'Brien, "Pahash the Grumpy"
Nadia Larkin, Dutiful Soldier
Nog, Sharp-Eared Sentinel
Vargas, Shell-shocked
Weyoun Hologram, Inquisitor's Tool
Worf, Mentoring "Klingons"
Quark, Frontline Observer
Dominion Galor
Izir'isel, Lemec's Warship