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A Second Chance at Life 3 C 33 2 Q. Reveal your hand. Choose an opponent to choose a card from your hand. Discard it to take any other non-interrupt card from your discard pile into hand. Destroy this event.
·More Than Meets the Eye 4 U 62 0 Q. Lose 5 points to play in your core. When you reveal a planet dilemma from your dilemma stack, it is cost -1.
·Quarantine 5 P 11 4 Decay: 5. (When there are five cards on this event, destroy it.) Q. Plays in your core. When your dilemma is about to be overcome, place it on this event instead. When this event is destroyed, the player on your right places all dilemmas here face up beneath his or her mission.
Ohhhh! Nothing Happened! 6 P 27 1 Q. Temporal. Plays in your core. When you play another Temporal card, you may destroy this event to name a dilemma. Choose an opponent to take a copy of that dilemma from his or her dilemma pile and remove it from the game. That opponent shuffles and replaces his or her dilemma pile face down.
Not Easily Avoided 12 U 26 4 Q. Plays in your core. When you are about to draw dilemmas, you may discard two cards (or an equipment) from hand to search your dilemma pile, choose a dilemma, and place it aside. Then shuffle and replace your dilemma pile and place that dilemma on top of your dilemma pile.
·Bigger Tattoo 13 R 23 4 Q. Plays in your core. When you draw dilemma's, if your opponent's personnel is attempting a space mission, you may remove a planet dilemma you have drawn from the game, to draw two additional dilemma's. When you draw dilemma's, if your opponent's personnel is attempting a planet mission, you may remove a space dilemma you have drawn from the game, to draw two additional dilemma's.
·Deja Q 14 C 25 0 Q. Plays in your core. When you reveal a Consume dilemma from your dilemma stack, you may take a Consume dilemma you own from beneath an opponent's completed mission and return it to your dilemma pile.
·Vacation from the Continuum 14 U 44 1 Q. To play this event, you must command a Q event. Plays in your core. When you have drawn dilemmas, you may destroy your other Q event to draw five extra dilemmas.
Delivery Boy 16 V 21 0 Q. Temporal. Plays in your core. When you are about to play a Q event or a Temporal event, you may destroy this event to play that event at cost -3.
Keeping Track of You 16 V 23 2 Q. Q. When you are about to play this event, choose one: it gains the gametext of a non-unique Q event you command; or it gains the gametext of a non-unique Q event an opponent commands.
Parting Though 17 V 35 3 Q. Plays on a mission. When your dilemma is revealed at this mission, you may discard a card from hand to add one level of one skill that is in that dilemma's requirements to that requirement until the end of that dilemma.
Slightly Awkward 21 V 13 0 Q. Temporal. Plays in your core. When a personnel that the player on your right commands begins a mission attempt, you may discard an equipment, event, or interrupt from hand to choose one: draw an extra dilemma; or, spend one extra in total cost on dilemmas.
·Voluntary Withdrawal 27 V 5 2 Q. Plays in your core. When you have drawn dilemmas, you may destroy this event to set one of those dilemmas aside, then return the others to your dilemma pile and draw one less dilemma than the number you returned. Add the dilemma you set aside to those drawn.
Portent 29 V 23 2 Q. Plays in your core. When personnel that the player on your right commands begin a mission attempt, you may examine the top card of your dilemma pile, then place it on the top or bottom of your dilemma pile.
Slightly Awkward 37 V 14 0 Q. Temporal. Plays in your core. When a personnel that the player on your right commands begins a mission attempt, you may discard an equipment, event, or interrupt from hand to choose one: draw an extra dilemma; or, spend one extra in total cost on dilemmas.
·Practical Evidence 39 V 5 0 Q. Plays on a non-headquarters mission. While a player is attempting this mission, his or her personnel must use Integrity or Cunning to meet Strength requirements.
·Catastrophic Quip 40 V 10 1 Q. Plays in your core. When an opponent's personnel fails a mission attempt, you may destroy this event to stop all personnel at that mission.
Life-Changing Encounter 49 V 19 2 Assault. Maneuver. Q. Temporal. Plays in your core.
Order - Kill your non-unique personnel to begin combat or an engagement involving your other personnel present. If you win, place this event on the mission where that personnel was involved (limit one per mission). Each personnel at this mission is attributes -1. Otherwise, destroy this event.
Not Easily Avoided 64 V 12 4 Q. Plays in your core. When you are about to draw dilemmas, you may discard two cards (or an equipment) from hand to search your dilemma pile, choose a dilemma, and place it aside. Then shuffle and replace your dilemma pile and place that dilemma on top of your dilemma pile.
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Uninvited 16 V 27 Q. When personnel that the player on your right commands begin a mission attempt, choose a dilemma that has a cost of 1 or less, and place it aside. Then shuffle and replace your dilemma pile. After you have chosen dilemmas for your dilemma stack, place that dilemma on top of your dilemma stack.
A Q Scorned 18 V 15 Q. When a personnel that the player on your right commands begins a mission attempt, destroy your event to shuffle your dilemma pile and the opponent on your right chooses one: you may draw four extra dilemmas; or you may spend two extra on dilemmas.
Quinn 23 V 25 Q.
Order - Lose 5 points to make each player choose two events in play. All other events are destroyed.
Sense of Obligation 26 V 17 Q.
Order - Choose an opponent. That opponent scores 5 points and you may destroy one of his or her events.
Data Laughing 53 V 5 Q. When a mission attempt that began with six or more personnel ends, each player may discard a card from hand to draw three cards.
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·Jean-Luc Picard Unraveled 38 V 27 2 Human 6 6 6 [Stf][TNG][AU] Astrometrics Engineer Physics Science
Q. When you play this personnel, you may download Engineering PADD and/or Science PADD.
·Jean-Luc Picard Reluctant Swashbuckler 47 V 8 4 Human 8 6 6 [TNG] Honor Law Leadership 2 Security
Q. When you play this personnel, each player may download Vash. When this personnel is about to be stopped by a dilemma, if Vash is present, score 5 points. You may do this only once each turn.
·Vash Duplicitous Damsel 47 V 9 3 Human 3 6 4 [TNG] Anthropology Archaeology 2 Diplomacy Treachery
Q. When you play this personnel, each player may download Jean-Luc Picard. When this personnel is about to be captured or killed, if Jean-Luc Picard is present, you may lose 5 points to prevent that.
·William T. Riker Surprised Witness 56 V 53 2 Human 6 6 6 [Cmd][TNG] Anthropology Diplomacy Leadership Navigation Officer
Q. You may play this personnel aboard your U.S.S. Voyager at cost -2 to choose an opponent; they may download a Q card. When this personnel uses a skill at a [DQ] mission, shuffle him into his owner's deck.